His Servants Ministries has been serving in Guatemala for over a decade. Team leader Dr. Mark Henry has formed very strong relationships with Sarita Carson and her ministry, Global Missions of Mercy, as well as with the local hospital and local doctors. HSM continues to lead annual medical mission trips to Chiquimula, Guatemala assisting the people form the area with their eye care needs by performing cataract surgeries. More importantly, Dr. Henry’s teams also focus on sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of Christ as they serve. God has done an amazing work thru HSM in Guatemala resulting in leading many people to the Lord, improving the vision of many people in the area, improving the skills of local doctors, and forming many partnerships. As a result of these partnerships, a community development project that provides potable water for over 200 families was also completed.
HSM also supports local missionary Jorge Camposeco and his family. Jorge also works for Global Missions of Mercy where he and His wife Pili assist Sarita in running a school and feeding center that provides free education and food for kids in the village of Camotan. Jorge also leads several bible studies in different villages in the area. Jorge has over 70 regular attendees in his bible study groups. It has been a pleasure working with Jorge, and we appreciate all the help he gives in preparation for our trips as well as assistance during the clinics and cataract surgeries. Below are pictures of Jorge’s ministries as well as pictures from the cataract team.