Southeast Asia
In Southeast Asia we have been working with with a team of national partners for over 8 years. Due to the location of this ministry, we need to keep some details secret to protect our national partners. What we can tell you is that the leadership of the this team changes every 4 years, with Brother S and his wife Sister J as the current leaders. Each trip to SA is individually designed with our partners to meet the needs of a specific area, which means one trip can look quite different from another. Over the past few years, trips to SA have included several different Medical Missions teams from the US, providing eye care, cataract surgeries, dental care, and training for local doctors on ultrasound machines and other emergency skills. These trips allow us to help the people of the area while our partners make contacts with their own people groups and build relationships with them as they follow up on the medical services.
The last trip to Southeast Asia was a two person trip that helped encourage and equip our national team. The US team spoke at the team’s summer student leadership conference and meet with staff to better understand how we can help them. In our current COVID world, we continue to seek new and different ways that we can partner with the national team to meet the needs of the people in their areas.
If you are interested in being a part of an HSM trip to Southeast Asia, please reach out to us so that we can connect with you and get more information. Visit our Contact Us page for information!