His Servants Ministries has been serving in Thailand for approximately 15 years. From Christian music concerts in Bangkok to medical missions throughout the kingdom, we have been blessed to continue serving in many different areas.
Since the predominant religion in Thailand is Buddhism, with a smaller Islamic group in the far south, Christianity is nearly non-existent in number. There are approximately only 0.3 % practicing Christians in Thailand. Although numerically small, we strive to share the gospel of Christ everywhere we serve. Since western culture is so different to the Thai people, we depend upon Thai brothers and sisters in Christ to help “bridge” the cultural and religious differences.
Christian converts recount that the lifestyle they witness in a Christian often piques their interest in Christianity. Once the dialog is opened, relationship building seems to open the greatest number of doors for witnessing and discipleship. Christians loving and serving others without expecting or accepting personal benefit is an intriguing difference. I believe that may be the reason that medical missions in Thailand opens so many doors.
We have partnered with other missionaries such as Debbie and Dan Eckert (Firstlight International), Tip and Patrick Boonrang (Zera Ministry) as well as Jennie Sawakrai. Our current focus has been providing free eyecare services along with free prescription eyeglasses and eye medications when necessary. We initially started in Northeast Thailand (Seka) in the region known as Issan Thailand. From there, various cities pinwheeling throughout the Issan area have allowed us to meet the eyecare needs in the poorest regions of Thailand and, more importantly, share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our immediate goals (once the COVID19 crisis subdues) are to return to Northeast Thailand with Debbie and Dan as well as to the farther north near Nan. Our hope is that we can again partner with Tip and Patrick and return to the far northwest area around Umphang and surrounding cities to bring hope and healing. All who are interested in helping are welcome. No medical training is needed. If you can speak Thai, that is a GREAT plus.